Tuesday, 6 November 2012

OdD ONe oUt- its DeFinEtlY yoU!

"Hey I have my model pracs tomorrow! So I will message you after that buddy!". One of the common message which our friend's mobile would have witnessed during our first year labs. However only the last minute study , standing in front of your lab,messed up with your ID card ,a blue and black pen, borrowed scale and pencil will help you out.

                    And now,months have passed. My level of education and preparations of exams are in deep relationship with each other, inversely proportional . I would have thought it millions of times at-least . How the hell are these programs gonna help me out in my life! However hard I prepare, whatever efforts i put on my lab programs to study,or understand,or mug up, there exists a program which threatens me-with its appearance and length, of course. Even if i try to bring back the old methodologies of memorizing line by line and write it on a piece of paper it fails.

                  "The Most" toughest part -selecting my own question paper-deciding my fate of marks myself . My hands and thoughts determines the result of burning my midnight oil. And,like a shot,the selection of question paper hits me down virtually. "Damn!Its the program! The only program which i was afraid of!!". Still,gaining back my confidence level I put my first letter on the paper given "Anna University-Practical Examinations" . And now,before filling the details asked in my answer sheets like " Reg No,College code,college name,Subject code,Lab Examination Name,Session and the Date",I forget half of the memorized lines of that program. And now,With the lines I remember,I somehow manage to get a proceed sign from the external and switch on the system to get the output or at least to bring that bloody hell black screen.

But,guess what happens??
Session of VIVA starts...........
Being the 11th member in my batch I try to knock my ears out to hear what he/she asks questions to previous Reg No members. He/She then calls,"Next Reg No:...039". So, now its my turn. I stand before him as the symbol of confidence to pretend am pretty good in the subject. But he/she smashes my heart with a word, "Well!let me ask you some other question which I haven't asked for others!". So what would be next ?? other than getting "02 or 03" in viva session??!!

                     The last twenty minutes-Heaven for those who aren't able to get the exact output but somehow manages to bring the output screen. Internal Examiner comes near you and puts you partially verified and you manage to suppress your smile of happiness. But when she comes near me,plucks my paper and say, "You have got so less in VIVA??!! So you haven't listened to any of my classes?? Don't ever expect me to sign as partially verified. Get out of the lab soon"!!

                     Now stepping my foot out of the lab,my friend waits there to console me "that's ok man!! You will score A or B grade!" .In turn I stare at him , thinking........
                   "How come I get the most toughest question every time?? and not my friend?!!"
and leaves out a sigh with a smile!

Everyone reading this would have had this Experience....... NOTE(if you are an Engineer) :p